Welcome to Our Parish

Why Register?
Registration enables our Pastor and other parishioners to get to know you better. This way we create a productive relationship that will benefit you on your path to Christ.
Registering also allows us to keep in touch. You will receive our monthly newsletters, as well as information on what is happening on our campus.
Members can expect pastoral care from their parish, including baptisms, anointing of the sick, and funerals.
You must be registered in a parish to receive a Catholic wedding.
What we do as Catholics:
We participate at Mass on Sundays, as well as Holy Days of obligation.
We go to Confession at least once a year.
We receive Communion at least once a year during the Easter season.
We join in fasting and abstaining during Lent
We provide for the support of the Church through Time, Talent, and Treasure.
Cf. "Precepts of the Church," Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2242-43